bees laugh in atbash

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taking a webware class and it's making me want to tear this dang thing down and start from scratch. Hmmm....
bluef00t 3 years ago

I will not do this on the live site of course (rule of webmastermancy no. 1: NO UNDER CONSTRUCTION PAGES. Unless you are editing IN the browser, a page is on the live web when it is finished, or not at all.)

bluef00t 3 years ago

(generally, rule zero should be "edit offline" but this is neocities. rule negative one is make your site however you damn please, if at the end of the day you've created something new that you like and can show to other people. Hobbyists are allowed to pick and choose which rules to follow and break.)

atomicgothic 3 years ago

If you decide to change your site in any major way I'd love to still have access to ye old bluef00t page, or have it still be up in some way? Ofc this is your site tho, dont let me tell u what to do (i just like archiving/viewing old pages)

bluef00t 3 years ago

Oh, expect 95% of the same content, and at least the *option* to view it in the old CSS style. I just want to make everything properly spaced, alt-texted, validated, and future-proofed.

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CreatedJul 13, 2018
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