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nowhere, everywhere; the workforce, for 9-to-5 employment
I am actually working on new site content, but suspect it will interest nobody but me when it drops lol
i think the only person your website needs to interest is yourself. nobody else gives a shit about my minecraft screenshots but i post them anyway
Let the record show that I was, like, 89% right on the Flansik Theory front.
neocities loves to make "quality of life" updates that break clever javascript site functions for me
nevermind my printer ran out of ink
nvm it worked again we're chill
home printer ended up being a bust after all. convinced my school's office to let me borrow the printer though! ππ
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nowhere, everywhere; the workforce, for 9-to-5 employment
I am actually working on new site content, but suspect it will interest nobody but me when it drops lol
i think the only person your website needs to interest is yourself. nobody else gives a shit about my minecraft screenshots but i post them anyway