636 updates
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LOVELTTR was updated.
1 month ago
lovelttr 1 month ago

site overhaul and cleanup - now primarily focused on resources. as always, if any of you have any suggestions of what to add to the resources, please let me know!

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unfortunately i'm no longer interested in updating this site - i might keep it up for a bit longer, but dont be surprised if i take it down soon!
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lovelttr 1 month ago

actually i might get rid of everything but the resources page?

Hihi! I didnt find a guestbook for your site but I just wanted to say how much I love it? one of my favorites in the internet for sure
lovelttr 5 months ago

aww thank you so much!!! <3

hiii everyone sorry no site updates for the past week im a little out of it right now u_u;
oh my gosh I absolutely love your site theme!! added your button to my site, I hope you don't mind :D
lovelttr 7 months ago

thank you so much!!! ^_^

what do you guys host images on? i mirror all of my gallery stuff directly from my toyhouse but thats probably. not the best choice LMAO
cr4yolapc 8 months ago

i use imgur! it's probably not the best solution but it's worked for me this year and last year :O

strangerheadsprevail 8 months ago

i’ve been using filegarden! it’s pretty good about keeping image resolutions intact and you can sort files through folders and shit… feels slick to me

LOVELTTR was updated.
8 months ago
1 like
lovelttr 8 months ago

added 'mydora' to the resources page. its a cool music archive streaming site! check it out :-)

linked ur page! :-)
1 like
lostpages 8 months ago

Linked back :D

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Website Stats

Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedSep 10, 2021
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