Ave's Site

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i've been running my site through accessibility guidelines, and I'm running the (free) version of the RAMP web accessibility tool ( so theres a little button on my site that gives you an accessibility statement and a place to email my relay about any issues with the site. this is the start of a long series of accessibility updates on my site that i plan on.
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Ave's Site was updated.
11 months ago
Ave's Site was updated.
1 year ago
Ave's Site was updated.
1 year ago
Ave's Site was updated.
1 year ago
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Ave's Site was updated.
1 year ago
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Ave's Site was updated.
1 year ago
Ave's Site was updated.
1 year ago
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Ave's Site was updated.
1 year ago
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Last updated 11 months ago
CreatedApr 22, 2022
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art videogames sports accessibility blogging