yes, it will redirect to your domain! just goes straight to my new domain. you just gotta add it as a redirect to on your domain registrar settings
I think your site is already fun to navigate as it is, but if you need something to do, I remember seeing you mention in your shrines page that you wanted to make sitemap for a while. :3
I don't really have a reason to set my site/social medias to R18, but i sometimes feel like it bc i feel like a crappy person for impressionable teens (like my former self) to be idolizing on the internet. I mean idolizing anyone on then internet is bad, i just feel especially weird about it
it's like,, wanting to put my content out there vs not wanting to be perceived
I'd still be making my site if you weren't all here, my main audience is my friends who I force to look at it. But thank you for being here and enjoying it anyway! I never thought kawaii and devilman would be so popular lolol
I'm not really a very social person, I'm bad at talking and nervous of saying the wrong thing. So I've never really been a part of the neocities community. But it still means a lot to know you guys enjoy my limited presence here! It's nice to be appreciated!
i feel so cool this is so awesome lololol
You should feel cool!! "" sounds like a legit site, and I'm all for that. B)
It totally does!!!