Solaria's Webspace

23,753 updates
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solaria 9 months ago

updated pixel clubs and added image descriptions!

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anyone else having problems with weird flashing rectangles on neocities? the background of the code editor or peoples sites will flash rapidly and randomly in rectangular sections
doqmeat 9 months ago

hmm i've experienced this with pictures or gifs when they dont load completely. i just reload again and its gone. i use firefox

i love the look of your website!!! the colors and especially how different elements light up when you scroll over them. so fun!!! and listening to dragula as i explored was a blast hahaha
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solaria 9 months ago

omg i was wondering if anyone would listen to the music i added! i too like to listen to dragula when on my homepage sdhjfgsjhfsg

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wow 200 followers on neocities!!!! thanks guys!! :33 celebration question: what brought you to my site?
solaria 9 months ago

could be how you found me or what about my site made you follow ^^

finel 9 months ago

stumbled on your website because of the readability guide which was nice. but after that I stumbled on the site again while looking at sites on the transmasc webring. which led me to explore your site more and I just liked your art and vibes so I followed.

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nickyworld 9 months ago

was just following a chain of looking at what other websites cool people on here were following and stumbled across your site!

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cheytopia 9 months ago

Not sure exactly how I came across your site. it could've been linked from another's site or on the recently updated page on neocities. In any case I was interested from the moment I saw it! I adore your layout and I'm really impressed with all the resources you've compiled and I will be utilizing them! I have a casual interest in color mixing and light theory so I'm intrigued by ur niche. Love the site!!

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gaily-novelry 9 months ago

We arrived thanks to the HTML tag. The site's gorgeous and helpful, so we stuck around!

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whiona 9 months ago

Came for the cute space theme, stayed for the fun and chill atmosphere :)

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beyondthesky 9 months ago

i think i found your site through the recently updated page on neocities? not sure haha but i loved the creativity of your page designs and found your resources helpful so i stuck around!

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solaria 9 months ago

im glad so many people have found my resources helpful!!

scopefilter 9 months ago

Your accessibility focus and star-themed dark-mode-default website.

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faegardens333 9 months ago

i think it was user doqmeats webgarden where i found u and i followed for the pretty colors, interesting articles on color and focus on web accessability ^__^

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solaria 9 months ago

@scopefilter speaking of dark mode, id eventually like to make a light mode version of my homepage! it would prob be similar to my poem page in style

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shiraru 9 months ago

I think I may have just found your site browsing through recently updated! I love your colour scheme and layout it’s so cool! Reminds me of older websites !

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mani 9 months ago

i think someone i follow commented on your site, then i checked it out for myself!! it was so cool i had to follow :]c

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scopefilter 9 months ago

a light mode would be great for those who want it. I've been meaning to make a dark/light mode switch for my site. It has dark and light mode elements mixed in.

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rinnispace 9 months ago

I think it was the light/color spectrum page!! So informative and pretty to look at

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silverheart 9 months ago

saw your button on someone else's site (don't remember whose though...) and thought it was pretty + your website name was cool so i wanted to check out your site

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love your color scheme and general vibe!
debtdeath 9 months ago

thank you, and likewise! one detail i like about your website is how you arranged website buttons by colour (i think?) its very nice and satisfying

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solaria 9 months ago

thank you!! i wanted to organize them some how and i like rainbows so might as well! i see some people organize blinkies by color, but i like to organize those by topic

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i really like your sites style! i love the light blue paired with ivory and navy ^^
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abyssbloom 9 months ago

Thank you so much! I was actually worried it was too boring, ahah.

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justfluffingaround 9 months ago

Ohmygoodness, the pixel bunny club is so cute! I love it. Might have to join in 👀

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solaria 9 months ago

omg id love another bunny!

solaria 9 months ago

made about page easier to read, ideally i would remake it entirely but i dont have the energy for that atm

gaily-novelry 9 months ago

Love how all the separate bits have their own aesthetic. <3

solaria 9 months ago

thank you ^^

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Last updated 21 hours ago
CreatedFeb 14, 2022
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rainbow html css webdesign space