Prismatic-Realm 4.5 - Index

2,940 updates
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☆⌒(>。<) IF I EVER HOTLINK, IT IS PURELY RESULT OF ME FORGETTING TO SWAP OUT THE LINK!! If anyone at any time notices something hotlinked from another site on my page (that isn't from an ipsum website), please let me know! (I'm going to go though things today)
YOUR SITE IS SO NICE!! T___T <333 I can't wait for more updates!! It's so pink and calm!
chiicafe 1 year ago

Thank you so much!! thank you for visting the chii cafe!!!!! I'll add your button to my site!!

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Although I'm alright with others taking inspiration from my page, I would prefer if my webpage's codes weren't taken with only very minor alterations! Observe and learn, rather than copy paste!! T___T
GitHub Desktop is my savior, I'm so glad I can just deploy my page changes from there after working on things in VScode, I am so comfy... NOW... time to draw
MAN I had 0 idea my phone screen was only 320px WIDE?? WHAT. This whole time I was checking responsiveness down to around 600px T____T
I've entered my "I desperately need a dark color themed page to express my inner mentally ill angst" phase (not a phase, I'm literally 23 years old OTL) I'm just glad I'm getting back into posting micro updates every min of the day (that's an exaggeration ofc...) O__O
The life of a webmaster is realizing it's 4:45am and wishing you had already been in bed by now T_T

Website Stats

Last updated 5 months ago
CreatedDec 8, 2020
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