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iframes on my righshipping shrine r broken if u enter through the link on my shrines page can i ask someone smarter than me why this happens and if i can fix it hshfhg
slumberingweald 1 week ago

if u need to look at my code to do this i deeply apologize its a mess

to some extent have filled in the gallery tab + paisley tab on this page!
having so much fun writing out the tab thats basically just the exact same as paisleys toyhouse page going over all of the story
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it is going to take me a while to get this gallery page done bc if there's one thing i'm going to do it's give other artists my money to draw me and my fictional fiancee
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learned iframes just for a selfship shrine thats how it goes
ballonlea 1 week ago

Fuck yeah

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realizing i need to take collection photos etc...i think i'm going to work on coding my main collection hub page after i finish some owed art and i'll get the photos i need but don't have tomorrow rather than messing around with my display + ita bag right now
i have a lot to add to my galar collection page...i went kinda crazy buying myself yamper stuff recently T__T that and i have sordward+sonia plushies i commissioned that will be made sometime soon LOL
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CreatedApr 6, 2021
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