slumbering weald v2

2,701 updates
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honestly on that note sometimes i wonder if i would be better off making my site a sordsoni fanpage fr -3- but i also like having the more personal side of it to express myself :<
sorry to anyone who just witnessed that bunch of random edits and me breaking anything i didnt like how my homepage looked so i changed the bg and moved the layout over to the left. now it looks like more of a sordsoni fansite than it already did shjdjh
said i'd start working again but im rly sleepy over the past few days oops
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so tempted to make a shrine for gunther(yes gunther as in the joke swsh character) bc i have such a love hate relationship with this meme. it used to annoy me bc i couldnt bring up sordward and shielbert without someone making a gunther joke but i've grown to find gunther weirdly endearing. help
btw if there is anyone who has my button on their site that i never added to mine pls feel free to reply here so i can add it!! sorry im rly rly behind on updating stuff but i wanna get back into updating the site regularly again
long time no see! i've finally updated my homepage and i'm hoping this morning i'll also finish finally making a new damselshipping shrine since i completely scrapped my old one. it's like 4am so sorry if anything is busted on the homepage update it shouldnt be unless i forgot to add images bc i just reused the code from my old homepage and shuffled things around a bit!!
slumberingweald 4 months ago

i also might make some new art and a new bg...rn i just edited some overlays i usually put on my art over one of the pokemon shirt designs and used some recent art LOL

on one hand i rly like my halloween layout bc of how i got to make all of the assets i needed myself but on the other hand it'll take me forever to update every single time if i draw for every theme this site has
halloween theme is staying until whenever i next feel like updating

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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedApr 6, 2021
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pokemon art personal