kuroiOS Desktop

33 updates
0 tips
Heeey peeps! Even though there's no updates here on neocities, kuroiOS is getting more stuff being added! Aside from my backend modifications (that don't change a lot for you, the viewers), I've been adding more stuff like: a notepad app for displaying information around my website (including a temporary about me page), lots of new playlists in the Audio Player and some more stuff that i forgor :v
Waa, thanks! Although I'm still working on it, I just started the project today. You can see the detailed part at For now, I'm experimenting and running tests before finally adding it to the main page.
1 like
kuroi 1 month ago

Yeah! that was the page i saw when i was looking at your profile, i really like how it's looking so far! keep at it :D

At first glance, I didn’t expect it to be anything great, but I decided to give it a chance, and oh my god! I can't believe this site only has 143 visits, at least as of today (01/30/2025). It's really well made! This deserves way more recognition!
1 like
kuroi 1 month ago

Aw thank you for your kind words! I really appreciate it :D I'm looking forward to seeing more from your site too, it's looking pretty good!

1 like
seu site é uma graça, me identifiquei muito com o que vc falou da internet atual!!
Omg your pixel art is gorgeous!!!! I love it :D
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louispretends 1 month ago

thank you so much!! I really love your website as well! :D

1 like
Woah, your website is so pretty and polished! It's really amazing
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kuroi 1 month ago

Aw thank you very much! So glad you like it, cause i absolutely loooove your website ❤️

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Heeey finally neocities let me post in here! We're almost at 50 views, so thank you already to everyone who took a few minutes to explore my website :D there's much more to come!
1 like
Your site rules!! It's beautiful :D
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kuroi 1 month ago

Thank you very much!! Yours is awesome too!

1 like
this is so cool
1 like
kuroi 1 month ago

Thank you so much ❤️

Website Stats

Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedJan 13, 2025
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