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Do we care about our views or do we care about our followers? Even if I have more followers than some ppl on the most followed page I still won’t show up on the first page? This has been bothering me for over a year now. I do mostly try to keep my political views off all my public media but I know I’ve lve talked a little about it before, is that why I’m not on the front page?
yupthatsme 2 years ago

i have the same issue, too. i used to be on the front page around 2017-2019 and overnight, my page doesn't show up on the front page despite having more followers than the others since it ranks by follower count. shadowbanned lol :|

grossgirl94 2 years ago

lmao are we shadowbanned???

arkmsworld 2 years ago

The Most Followed order/page where you're listed has been totally borked for a couple of years. Someone here found a way to spoof the count numbers so Kyle "fixed" it. Where your website gets placed seems to have no correlation to any known metrics at this point.

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedMar 9, 2019
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