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does anyone know why I have more followers than some of the people higher than me on the most followed page? algorithm?
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dann 4 years ago

It's been like that since late summer. I got to the front page, but now I've been sitting in the middle of the third. I tried to sift through the source code on github, but that was the one thing I could never really crack. I know that certain follows don't 'count' (multiple sub-sites by the same supporter account), but that is usually reflected already on your profile. )

joppiesaus 4 years ago

To add to dannarchy's comment, if I am not mistaken the follower count you see on your profile is disconnected from what metric the "Most Followed" uses. Not sure about this though

arkmsworld 4 years ago

The whole most followed page ranking system got hosed last year. Some people with more followers got kicked down - or even off the front page entirely, Some with less got kicked up to the top of page 1. I call shenanigans! >:(

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