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koshka 2 years ago

Hospitals in Australia and the U.S. are now being filled with vaccinated people inexplicably having strokes, heart attacks, and so on, but you won't hear that on the MSM. Anyone who still believes that western governments would push for something that actually benefits their people with such force, would probably willingly get into a car with Ted Bundy.

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bmh 2 years ago

@koshka I've come to learn that the Covid vaccines are supposed to be injected into the arm muscle, but occasionally they end up in a blood vessel which is what is likely the cause of many of these strokes, heart attacks, myocarditis and blood clots. I'm guessing that certain vaccines are more problematic when this happens, and this issue is more problematic for younger males.

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koshka 2 years ago

Interesting, I did not know this. There are also issues like miscarriages occurring. Either way, I have never trusted modern medicine and this debacle has made me lose even more faith in it. Every time I have gotten sick over the past few years, I have cured myself within 24 hours with garlic, hot tea, and oranges/rosehips, so I will continue to rely on that and not some experimental/dangerous medical procedure.

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mysticscave 2 years ago

I'm not sure about the credibility of what you posted re: vaccines, but it is interesting. If only there wasn't such an aggressive campaign against anti-vaxxers, it might be easier to verify things like this. I was outraged to discover this today, worth a read if you can read around the Australian-specific stuff:

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bmh 2 years ago

@mysticscave an interesting read, thank you. I'd not heard about this Professor Nikolai Petrovsky. My scpticism over the whole Covid thing makes me unsurprised he's meeting such hurdles. "$1.7 billion to pre-order 84.8 million doses of the UQ and AstraZeneca vaccines"... the people that are making these things are rubbing their hands together given the profit margins they're enjoying.

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