I'm by no means someone who is immune to Internet gossipmongering, but I usually try to delve deeper into rabbit holes. Usually, I find out most people aren't as evil as a lot of folk would want you to believe. Dunno your exact situation, but it's a bummer to see you reluctant to interact. For all it's worth I always found you to be quite pleasant.
Apologies for the extremely late reply, I was on the road for the better part of a month :P thank you for your sincere thoughts. You are probably right to say that there's not especially more drama here than other places, but the last time I remember seeing this number of "callout"-type things was 2014 Tumblr! Then I remember a lot of my mutuals (and their mutuals and so on in the wider circle) are super young and >
I've never seen any messages like those on my guestbook. Hope the person writing those messages fades away from the crowd.
tbh their "source" read like the combo of an encylopedia dramatica article and tumblr callout post, needless to say, not credible. if anyone takes it without question, thats on them for not using critical reading skills
Going to take this opportunity to be brutally honest about something, I exchanged Discord info with a handful of people from Neocities some time ago but quickly became reluctant to talk to anyone off-site and ended up unintentionally ghosting people who seemed well-meaning and cool. >
< And it's just because I've seen the most cataclysmic drama get perpetuated on here over literally nothing - stuff twisted way out of context, sometimes pure hearsay with 0 actual proof. I don't want to put myself in that position so it's easier just not to talk to anyone. I'm really sorry this is happening to you.
Not to be That Guy, but when I see trans people follow someone who says shit about how JK Rowling being based it kinda makes me sad.
BTW read my articles. Everyone should care about my opinion on everything ever.
Should probably do this I have a habit of just following anyone that looks cool
if you're having trouble deploying, check for any unsupported files https://neocities.org/site_files/allowed_types i spent ages working out why mine wasn't working and it was because of a rogue .gitkeep file 😩
Okay as someone who likes trying different ramens in the Asian section at the supermarket, I'm a fan of the instant noodle reviews..