thank you for the comment on my site! For gallery images I use GIMP with a BIMP extension for batch editing and I resize each image for viewing (maybe under 1000x1000px) and as a thumbnail (under 200x200px). those resized versions load super fast :)
honestly if you've looked at any of mine and they take a long time to load i am sooo sorry lmao, for the first time in my life I have decent internet so I forget how hard it can be to load stuff lol
thank you! i'll look into that! also krystalspalace your site actually loaded pretty fast for how image heavy it was lol. my internet speed varies a lot tho
Day 587 of trying to figure out the wikipedia/forum post style 'read more' thing
I figured out how to do a 'read more' thing with CSS but now every single dropdown is triggered with one button. My dreams... crushed...