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I'm on Mastadon now. Let's see if I stick to it lol
nohappynonsense 10 months ago

i did a full install of linux onto an old and crusty chromebook. it was pretty easy following a guide; needed to hack a bios onto the chromebook and have it always boot in dev mode, but linux ran fine (albeit, slow on the weak chromebook) and the longest part of the process was finding a usb drive.

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upallnight 10 months ago

Yeah this thing is slow as all hell lol

1 like
nohappynonsense 10 months ago

running linux on an ancient chromebook saved me during the pandemic, but yeah it felt like i was transported to 1995 and i was in the dining room of my family home surfing aol lol

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thanks for the follow. just read your H:CE prose and it resonated with me a lot, being roughly the same age as you and having similiar intermittent interactions with the game via LAN parties or friend-ish people who really enjoyed it. going to check out more of the site, keep it rad
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upallnight 11 months ago

Thank you :)

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upallnight 11 months ago

PS I look forward to digging into your writtting

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hi i reall enjoy the way you have designed your website props to you <3 & your blog is what i live for, so thanks for being you.
upallnight 11 months ago

No, thank YOU

Thank you for the 56k warning on your screenshots page. I gotta be careful when I start loading things, since I need to get off the internet before peak phone call time.
upallnight 11 months ago

sry, gotta log off. my mom needs to use the phone.

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Be on the lookout! Later this week the famous retro-themed blog RetroRealm is going to publish an interview with me.
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