The Gumball Machine

1,807 updates
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Happy New Year Neocities! I'll see if I get around to a full update (a new review) but I've got a busy day today so I dunno!!!
happy 1 year anniversary
somehow either nothing changed or everything did, regarding my last blog post. it's hard to explain but despite the tension that i feel things are not as different as i expected.
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miela583 9 months ago

Please take care- even if things suck, a lot of us are cheering for you here.

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I'M SO SORRY I WROTE I WAS GONNA DO A MUSIC PAGE BUT- look I've been working on the code a bit on my end, but things have been kinda hectic. I caught strep and I gotta get ready for the 4th barbeque, I'll be travelling this week, all sorts of stuff going on. o((⊙﹏⊙))o. That being said, I'll have a little 4th update tomorrow, and when I get back the music page will be finished
miela583 9 months ago

Strep is awful! I hope you feel better soon!

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o( ̄┰ ̄*)ゞ Gonna get supporter once more and do something on the new version for all those folk who'd sit on the page and listen to the music playlist. o(〃^▽^〃)o
gonnefishin 10 months ago

also gonna rely on catbox instead of hosting the files myself; most of my site's size comes from the mp3s alone lol

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CreatedOct 27, 2022
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