6,591 updates
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Thanks, Up-All-Night. Cool-cool. Kinda busy but will check out yer page(s) later, yeah? My small banner is low on my header page if ya want it. Where's yours? Have a good one!
1 like
upallnight 6 years ago

Mine is at the bottom of the main page on my site. When I get back on my PC I'll add yours!

1 like
kenny46140 6 years ago

Found it! Those "training vids"; VERY funny! Keep up the good work, cool?

1 like
upallnight 6 years ago

I added yours to my links page!

1 like
kenny46140 6 years ago

Hey, thanks! Working on a new look for mine when I get the time; Format, Links, et al. You get it. Kinda busy with other obligations than my "neo-time", but I'll get there! Wish me luck! :)

1 like
Starting to add some Neocities pages in my Links section. I have a lot more to add but I'll get there!
1 like
Really dig your site!
Where r u @
1 like
travm 6 years ago

been preppin for a huge zoom update

I made an Up All Night web banner!
chillbitz 6 years ago

Added to my site!

1 like
upallnight 6 years ago

Thank you!

roachparade 6 years ago

i added this to my site!

1 like
you have a fascinating website, it's interesting seeing something dedicated to weird bits of old media which may not be regarded by many others!
upallnight 6 years ago

I appreciate that! I've got a lot more stuff I want to showcase, it's just finding the time to do so. I like your website as well! I think it is very beautifully designed and your focus on your subject is the kind of thing I think makes this community what it is.

1 like
roachparade 6 years ago

ah, thank you so much! it means a lot. i look forward to seeing what you add in the future.. yeah though, i agree. everyone has their own website subjects and they are often incredibly different, yet the passion that goes into creating the website brings the community together, i think.

1 like
I love your music and your website! Excited to see and hear more.
chillbitz 6 years ago

Thank you so very much!

chillbitz 6 years ago

It really means a lot :)


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CreatedSep 9, 2017
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