
4,455 updates
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lhfm 1 year ago

I have a bunch of big updates I want to make to my site, but I'm too laazy~~

sakana 1 year ago

Based fellow Odd Taxi enjoyer (I feel out of touch looking at the anime section of the waifu wall, I don't know half of these characters XP)

komichi 1 year ago

can't believe i know half of these characters (sorry sakana)

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murid 1 year ago

Is there any pattern to the arrangement of your waifus? Or is it just random?

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lhfm 1 year ago

There's no real pattern honestly. The characters at the very top I do like the most though

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lhfm 1 year ago

Finally crossed off the comfymaxxing Honda motorcycle propaganda animu off my list 🏍️

Check it out a "you wouldn't download a car" meme editor
armonicnoise 1 year ago

for years I thought that ad was part of the movie cars, since in my pirated copy this ad always came before two pixar shorts, I was very surprised when years later with the internet I found out that it was a separate ad to stop piracy, Which made it quite ironic that I knew about that ad from my bootleg DVD. It is also too ironic that I recently found out that those who produced this campaign were sued for copyright

koinuko 1 year ago

As someone with no horse on either side of this race this was a quick and interesting read regarding what seems to be a very complicated deal! Major social media really seems to be splintering off faster than companies and developers can create a safety net for it. I don't necessarily have an opinion but it will be interesting to read retrospectives once all's said and done, if that ever happens lol.

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saint-images 1 year ago

Yay, a sea of crappy attention-wasting social networks instead of one crappy attention-wasting social network.

murid 1 year ago

A fellow robot! I've also been blocked by facebook for being a bot.

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arkmsworld 1 year ago

Zuck would EEE the entire world if he could. That "thing/creature" is a vacant shell composed of a desperate need for power coupled with a complete lack of any moral or ethical guidlines whatsoever.

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armonicnoise 1 year ago

I just only have Facebook for a few meme/art pages and my family, if it wasnt for that i would never use it mostly because theres nothing worth there, I honestly thats something i could never understand it, how difficult is for a billionare corporation to create a simple, safe and moderated social media, i dont care really, tbh i just care neocities at this point

I never used a static site generator for my site, and basically hand-wrote dozens and dozens of pages. However, 43 of these use the same CSS and base template. I want to redo my CSS & HTML code to be cleaner for these pages, and to prepare code for cool future pages. It's not gonna be fun editing all them one-by-one 😑 (maybe I'll do it gradually over a few days... 🤔)
armonicnoise 1 year ago

a hole redesign, thats gonna be wild I still have too many pages to design..

koinuko 1 year ago

wishing you luck!!

lhfm 1 year ago

Minor redesign, might do an overhaul later. RIP Tsumiki o7

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lhfm 1 year ago

It's ogre... the spring 2023 season is done 😭

Woo! Happy Canada Day! 🥳🇨🇦
saint-images 1 year ago

Gotta be one of my favorite countries

Heyo, holy-heart and I translated yet another thing. This time, it's a video with Kotonoha Aoi and Iori Yuzuru!
Thanks for the follow, you got a very cute site! 💛
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komichi 1 year ago

yw! i really love your site too

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CreatedSep 2, 2020
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anime vocaloid tech