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Over 9000 views! 😁
surenaga 3 years ago

Congrats, man!

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holeinmyheart 3 years ago

1000 more and you hsve to post pics of you cosplaying as hifumi cosplaying as yourself

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lhfm 3 years ago

Heh, I'm not really into cosplaying things, but I might do a hifumi cosplay at some point in my life 🤔

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added your button to my site :]
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lhfm 3 years ago

Woah, thank you! 🥰

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lhfm 3 years ago

watched Kawai Complex cause someone recommended it to me. I love the outro song a lot

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surenaga 3 years ago

For the next 2/3 years I'll be focusing on finishing japanese. After that, maybe french, but I want to dabble in slavic languages as well. Interslav sounds very attractive if it allows one to understand slavic languages the same way learning latin and/or esperanto allow one to understand romance languages.

dfrag 3 years ago

lhfm, do you know how you want to learn these languages? Through Duolingo, or with something else?

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dfrag 3 years ago

Oh, nice. Thanks for the heads-up about those resources!

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thatwhitehand 3 years ago

heh, I made my own imageboard on a free host to show a few people as well. Don't remember how long ago it was though.

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thatwhitehand 3 years ago

I've been looking into project gemini. It is definitely not as good as the internet (really is is a less primitive gopher) but it is the only hope for an experience of the internet before it turned into a steaming pile of shit and political shit.

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thatwhitehand 3 years ago

Just realised they use the same name as the NASA thing so good luck finding it aha. Maybe try Gemini Project instead.

lhfm 3 years ago

I found it ( ) looks cool but I'm not sure if a significant amount of people will care about it

surenaga 3 years ago

You reminded me I want to write about something very similar, but I've already written about something else minutes ago and I really don't like dwelling in these subjects. To surmise, I think your vision is extremely optimistic.

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CreatedSep 2, 2020
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