❀ F A I R Y L A N D ❀

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inkcaps 1 year ago

By the skin of my teeth, my photo diary is UP (this almost killed me lol)

michaelmas 1 year ago

I know I always say this, but I just love your page designs. I'm sure that it was intentional on your part, but I love how your digital album is reminiscent of a scrapbook ♡

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inkcaps 1 year ago

@vashti, I'm a broken record, but you're just the sweetest! Your comments always brighten my day. I'm so happy you like what I make, and ahhh--yes, that's exactly it! I wanted it to feel like a scrapbook, so if you've picked up on that, then I've met my goal! Thank you again!! ;u; ♡♡♡

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michaelmas 1 year ago

A broken record playing a nice melody is still playing a nice melody! I'm glad that my words make you happy, because I absoluetly mean them.

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedJul 13, 2023
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magic personal cottagecore diary lolita