astral town ✰

2,162 updates
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I tried putting all of my pages as a single loadable iframe but I'm not sure about a) trusting iframes, which are finnicky, and b) wanting everything in a single page, considering I woud like to eventually customize pages with different bgs, colors, etc
serimemo 1 year ago

im changing it back so things will be broken for a couple of hours!!

serimemo 1 year ago

site is back to completely zero js! also im back on da serif font business B)

inkcaps 1 year ago

Yay, you started a media log! Can't wait to see what you share!! ⊂((・▽・))⊃

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serimemo 1 year ago

made an iframe navigator which somehow sizes up and down thanks to the dark powers (javascript) I discovered in ancient tomes (copypasted from stackoverflow)

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hey :) can you clear your cache/cookies and let me know if my site works for you? I fiddled with some stuff but it looks good on my end + friends phones! appreciate u <3
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serimemo 1 year ago

heyo! sorry I couldn't answer earlier. I tried doing so and evening using a different browser but sadly the outcome is always the same. It /does/ work on my cellular network instead of my home wifi, though. But it must be something more than just my home connection, since a couple (not all) of these "is this website down?" website also give an error.

serimemo 1 year ago

omg i deleted your reply by accident aaAAA anyway don't stress too much over it!! I'm sure it's a minor issue

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hi! Just wanted to let you know that is not responding for me rn :( seems like a domain's issue since also says it's not responding, and other neocities sites are working fine for me
firozah 1 year ago

it works fine for me and my friends and the console shows no error - i wonder why???

thank you for the follow!! Your site is adorable, love the decor and pallette :)
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serimemo 1 year ago

thanks to you for the followback! your pages are very cozy looking, hope to see more from you

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happy new year nc!
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Last updated 10 months ago
CreatedSep 12, 2021
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