Welcome to Wonderland

264 updates
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I miss working on my website, but my internet has been out for a while and I've not the motivation.
Updated my diary! It won't show up as it's own update cause it's an rss feed. It's a recap of my holiday and new years resolutions
inkcaps 1 year ago

I'm sorry to hear about the difficult times you had over the holidays, that can totally compound what can often be a stressful time of year. But ahhh wow you're so lucky you saw the Broadway production of Sweeney Todd!! It looks and sounds absolutely incredible and I'd love to have a chance to see it one of these days ;u; (it's one of my favorite shows as well!)

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rufflebumrambles 1 year ago

@inkcaps It was *incredibly* up or down, but I'm ultimately happy with how things went. Seeing Sweeney Todd on Broadway was an absolute highlight of my life. It was a birthday gift from my dad from all the way back in July, so the anticipation was building for months

OMG We share the same name! Though my name is your nickname.
rufflebumrambles 1 year ago

Oh that's so cool! Nice to see a fellow lolita named Lola ^^

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Hi again!! Welcome to the Cult of Usakumya :3
rufflebumrambles 1 year ago

Thank you so much! Ill add the badge later today!

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Thank you for following me! Yours is one of my absolute favorite sites I've found so far.
crow-queen 1 year ago

thank you so much!

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Fellow lolita's- where do you guys find your cute graphics? Boarders and sidebars, pixels and jpegs. I've purused a couple different sites and tumblrs dedicated to graphics but I haven't found a ton that fits the exact vibe.
inkcaps 1 year ago

Sometimes it can be tricky for me to find things I like too! But Fool Lovers and Asterism both have super cute materials that might fit your website's vibe!

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rufflebumrambles 1 year ago

lol all I really did was change the title and favicon for the landing page. Might try to actually put text on the home page

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inkcaps 1 year ago

Oh I adore how delicate everything looks so far! The text is sooo cute and 🤝 huge proponent of romanticizing one's life as well <3

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rufflebumrambles 1 year ago

@inkcaps thank you once again! I'm kinda going for a delicate victorian type vibe, so Im glad thats spot on. I want there to be like, a hidden wife in the attic, yellow wallpaper type feel.

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedJul 19, 2022
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