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Hello! I sent this to you via an email but I got no response, so I thought it wouldn't hurt to try here.On your "Largest 88x31 Collection" you have four buttons which are mine (specifically,,,, and
september 1 year ago

These are linkware, not public domain in the slightest, and were never intended to be used in this way, so I would really appreciate it if you could remove them from the collection ASAP. Other webmasters are using them unknowingly thinking they don't require credit, which is not true. Thanks in advance for your co-operation!

capstasher 1 year ago

Hi, sorry for the confusion, the collection as a whole is the public domain work, not the individual buttons. I will make a correction to let people know to credit the buttons as soon as i have access to a PC. The collection is a piece of historical archival, and i aim to eventually credit all creators with their respective buttons, but until i figure out the proper css and js code to do that it will take time.

capstasher 1 year ago

In the short run, if it works with you, i can make the buttons link to your website, and i can let people know not to use buttons without first contacting you. As the collection was compiled from other collections, i do not know who most of the creators are, so i'm very glad you reached out!

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september 1 year ago

I really would much rather you just remove them, if you don't mind. The sites they're related to are all defunct or have evolved into something else, and I don't really want my stuff to be part of any collection -- nothing at all personal!

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CreatedMay 24, 2022
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archival art personal tech history