The Lesser Word - Sanity Restoring Books

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thelesserword 2 days ago

Added "Notes to The Underground" to reading list.

thelesserword 2 days ago

Would I call this book incelcore? No, because unlike incels the wretched man of this book knows how to spend his money, but I do consider it a book which incels should probably read. People being bad is a constant in history, but God is the truth which digs people out of the ditch. For this book, you'd have to be a Christian to know that it's a happy ending for all the characters involved.

thelesserword 3 days ago

Spent all of yesterday reading Quo Vadis on my phone. Finished it all in one go that I had to add it to my page. This book makes me happy to be a Catholic. Saint Peter and Saint Paul are the GOATs.

thelesserword 3 days ago

Oh, and about the book review. I will still write, just I think I'm glad that I may gear my work towards Christ-centered tales. Henryk's work gave me a lot of hope, and instruction in that one should pursue art without thinking like one's art's some God-given gift which one must always do at the cost of others. An emperor has an empire to feed. A man like me will either have a church or family to feed.

thelesserword 3 days ago

To ignore responsibility for the sake of dancing or writing poetry... it was illustrated too vividly in Quo Vadis for me. Those deeds are a sin against God and neighbor.

thelesserword 1 week ago

No commentary this time. Just an appreciation post. I'm grateful to take a break from political poems. Fringe politics may make one feel glorious, but that's only in your own mind. Little stories, kind poems, I find are the most enjoyable to read in the long-run. Too bad people forget sometimes. Fairy tales were meant to be enjoyed by children who would grow up.

thelesserword 1 week ago

To a kid, Rapunzel is a story about a prince falling in love with a princess. To an adult like me, Rapunzel is a guy sneaking into a girl's house when her parents aren't home. Still, this aside, I'll say Fairytales today seem made for children who never grow. Then again, it's why some stories are considered timeless and others not. It's hard to make a stories which serve both kids and adults.

thelesserword 1 week ago

Kept you waiting, huh. Everything you need to know's on the page. All I'll say is that this really is just a short story of 3000+ words compiled split into lines so I can keep track of what's going on. I've been writing in faux-iambic pentameter for so long that I can't keep track otherwise.

thelesserword 1 week ago

This aside, the reason why this one chapter's so long was because I wanted it to end at a place which felt like a real ending. I'll write daily, so I can update daily, but if the poem doesn't make sense at day's end, well, that's how you end with this.

thelesserword 1 week ago

I'm moving commentary to the page because apparently my commentary on "The Bachelorette's" too long for Neocities.

thelesserword 1 week ago

TL:DR for the Bachelorette. It's a great confidence booster seeing 10/10 guys be virgins, fighting over one girl you would never date.

you have an excellent website
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thelesserword 2 weeks ago

This book feels like it's erring more into web novel territory than poetry. I might have to just make a new volume and give it its own title. "A Tale of Babel" is actually a pretty cool name for a romance set in the modern day.

thelesserword 2 weeks ago

The only thing keeping this poetry is the rhyme. Meter's been snapped. Meter can be anything I want.

thelesserword 2 weeks ago

Still, perhaps I should offer some tags for this poem: romance, slice of life, mentally ill male MC who may or may not be an abusive gaslighter... yeah those don't help. It's too early for a synopsis. I think I just want to write a comfy story.

didntask 3 weeks ago

i liek the Intrusive Thoughts AI!

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thelesserword 3 weeks ago

Thank you, Didntask. I almost forgot I wrote the song. I just have to find some real musicians to sing it.

Happy 4th. If you're not American, then happy day. For me though, I think I'll just rest the whole day. No new update, at most fixing typos or the site layout. God be with, bye.

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