Happy birthday calls XXI - https://thelesserword.neocities.org/Diary-Common-Man/Common-Man#Toc-XXI
https://thelesserword.neocities.org/Diary-Common-Man/Common-Man#Toc-XVI - Terrorist Morality
May as well place the video I referenced : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfBso0Y4ETI&t=901s "What I learned about Men, Love and Loneliness while being trafficked." It's a good testimony, given from a person who understands what many refuse to understand. Men choose to put up with these conditions, and there comes a point where they tire of it all.
Shame on humanity really for leveling their marriages and relationships to the worth of a prostitute.
I really need to make this thumbnail prettier than a white page. There's a verse I like from the Hovamol whenever I'm feeling down. Let me see if I can remember it.
The lame can be put on a horse. The handless can drive cattle. The deaf can fight and be useful. Better blind than dead. The dead are of no use to anyone.
"wussie men", this is probably the bravest thing I can remember reading since your last post! 😭
Yea brother. For some reason, I could tell him what the Spirit told, but I could not get a sentence out to rizz him for his kid. Thing is, I don't believe in divorce while Evangelicals do (in cases of adultery they say, but they consider it also outside of this). I just, even now I'd like to rail at Johann for this because it's unreasonable to expect a generation of "strong" men out of a nation of broken homes.
https://thelesserword.neocities.org/Diary-Common-Man/Common-Man#Toc-XXII - Sanity
maybe not getting closer, but still a good post
Thanks Ask. For this goal, it's likely I'm losing myself over nothing. Should a man without a job marry? I have one now, so I'm closer to marrying 🦏