The Era of Antares

67 updates
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Depression is the biggest lar, and I'm trying really hard not to listen to it right now.
era-of-antares 1 day ago

liar* Danged dyslexia!!!! Took me forever to notice that typo, too. XD

hey, months ago you wrote me that maybe we could talk on email, and it might be an idea. im trying to push myself to get on and communicate again but struggling. therapy finally started helping a little tho which is why im writing this XD you can email me at my junk email "neojurazzik at yahoo dot com" and i'll reply from my actual email after that. if you feel like it ofc!
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era-of-antares 1 week ago

That's great!! I'll drop you a line here shortly, perfect timing because I'm really depressed ATM, and need more people to talk to, lmao. Things are just not great on my end....but I am happy & relieved to hear therapy is finally starting to work for you!! And I'll be happy to talk to you again!!! ^.^

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era-of-antares 1 week ago

Just now emailed you! ^.^

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More bad news. My mother's CT scan results showed she has an enlarged heart..... That's not good, is it?
lavenderblues 3 weeks ago

I hope this all works out for you

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era-of-antares 3 weeks ago

Thank you, me too... I read that people can live with the condition, especially when caught early (which I think we did).

I just had to make a very difficult decision regarding my relationship with my fiance. I now no longer know what the future has in store between me & him. Yeah....... This sucks. Please keep me in your good energies, thank you....
era-of-antares 3 weeks ago

Had to fix three friggin' typos in this, so I'm sorry if it kept popping up. Thank you, dyslexia.... which I unfortunately do have.

lavenderblues 3 weeks ago

i hope everything will work out for the best for you and your fiance <3

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era-of-antares 3 weeks ago

Thank you Lavenderblues.... I think things will ultimately be okay, but it's going to take some time.

Heya. Hope all is still well for you, and I hope things are working out. *Hugs*
ju1ia 1 month ago

hey. im just doing really bad sadly and cant handle being online still. but thank you for thinking about me and i wish life wasnt hell so i could talk

era-of-antares 1 month ago

Oh, no. I am so sorry. T.T; Yeah, life isn't great for me either right now.... Seems like everyone is having a tough time ATM. I hope we can talk again before too long, but I understand & respect the need to take time to oneself, I go through that often myself. I hope that life gets better for you before long. -Hugs again-

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Please keep my fiance in your well wishes and prayers, whatever you believe in. He is really struggling with his mental health right now. I think life will be just grand if we can overcome this last hurdle.
So, does anyone reading this own an Etsy store? If so, what's your experience? Tell me, I wanna know! :D
lavenderblues 2 months ago

I don’t own an Etsy store, but from what I’ve heard Etsy takes a fair bit out of the money, which is part of why prices can be really high. This is slightly old knowledge though, so it might have changed.

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era-of-antares 2 months ago

That's the most common thing I have heard as well. On the plus side, can you choose your prices? I have some seen some "junk journals" for example go up to 300 dollars..... Not that I think I would ask that much for my art, but dang. o.O;; Some seem to sell at that price, too!

era-of-antares 2 months ago

BTW Lavenderblues, I could have sworn I was following you?? I am so sorry if I acidentally unfollowed you! T_T;;

lavenderblues 1 month ago

No don’t worry! I deactivated my site profile so I’m not going to show up in any following/followers list until I reactivate it!

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era-of-antares 1 month ago

Ahh okay, good! I kinda figured, but I get paranoid.... ^.^;

Another family member hospitalized. I knew it wasn't over yet.... Things have been sorted out, and I'm still creating art, so hopefully in the next month I'll have something cool for you guys.
I hope everything turns out well for you!
At any rate, no matter how long it takes, I am NOT giving up on creating my page. I may have stumbled across Neocities at the wrong time in my life, but it's gonna happen. I just can't realistically say exactly when.
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lavenderblues 3 months ago

i believe in you! i hope things improve in the future <3

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era-of-antares 3 months ago

Thank you so much!! Things are steadily getting better. ^^ And thank you for having so much faith in me, that motivates me to not give up and throw this aside forever. I almost have a few times, too.

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