The Era of Antares

68 updates
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Fingers crossed that things work out between me & this new potential romantic partner. He's a very beautiful man, inside & out.
I might be starting a new relationship before this year is over. Wish me luck.... ^_^ By then, I'm hoping I can finally get things set up here.
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I hope everyone had a great holiday. ^_^ Things are actually surprisingly okay on my end now, I want to hope this positive trend continues, buuuut ahahahaha........ Anyway. How'd you guys celebrate? Do/get anything cool or fun?
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Please stay safe, everyone.
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And it's gonna be another rough ride. I think I'm just sick of 2024. How are you guys, though? Anyone got anything good going on?
purplehello98 5 months ago

I had to wake up at 6:45 for class registration today and got waitlisted for a required class

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era-of-antares 4 months ago

Oh shoot, that does sound like a pain. Or is that a good thing? Apologies, I'm so sleep-deprived and it is way difficult for me to pick up on context now.... ^.^;

I'm still here. It's been a rough few weeks....
Something good may happen tomorrow, and if all the cards are played right, I may finally be able to focus on truly building this website: I've been thinking of what I do and how to dexpress myself, which I admittedly struggle with doing, even online. Hang in there everyone!!
Depression is the biggest lar, and I'm trying really hard not to listen to it right now.
era-of-antares 8 months ago

liar* Danged dyslexia!!!! Took me forever to notice that typo, too. XD

More bad news. My mother's CT scan results showed she has an enlarged heart..... That's not good, is it?
lavenderblues 8 months ago

I hope this all works out for you

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era-of-antares 8 months ago

Thank you, me too... I read that people can live with the condition, especially when caught early (which I think we did).

I just had to make a very difficult decision regarding my relationship with my fiance. I now no longer know what the future has in store between me & him. Yeah....... This sucks. Please keep me in your good energies, thank you....
era-of-antares 8 months ago

Had to fix three friggin' typos in this, so I'm sorry if it kept popping up. Thank you, dyslexia.... which I unfortunately do have.

lavenderblues 8 months ago

i hope everything will work out for the best for you and your fiance <3

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era-of-antares 8 months ago

Thank you Lavenderblues.... I think things will ultimately be okay, but it's going to take some time.

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CreatedJan 7, 2023
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