Neon rust n' alien dust!

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

I'm so happy, I actually got a JS system that'll work for any amount of images! Now, I can sneak in a bunch of Easter eggs without having to do much work further on ^^

Guys, I’ll show up with the overlay coding once I get it right :’/ I just realized that if I want the images to display different pictures when they’re clicked, I must do something more practical, and not just creating multiple overlays for each picture :7
ninacti0n 1 year ago

Also, I've got one of the assets done today, so that's good! The others are still under development, in part because I was a bit stuck on what I should do and in other because of being busy.

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I managed to polish a new song of mine! You can give it a listen on my SoundCloud: I might put it on Bandcamp later on as well :P
ninacti0n 1 year ago

But on another note, I must say: I wanna do things, but I’m feeling drained. It’s like I lost the energy to work on anything, despite wanting to... I hope I feel better about it soon

robophobia 1 year ago

Ooh this slaps!

ninacti0n 1 year ago

Yoo, thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed the beats, it was quite the tricky song to compose, but I think I did a good job lol

I've been thinking about this for a while, and I gotta ask: the obesk aren't as expressive as humans face-wise, but how about their eyes? Do their pupils or look change as their mood shifts, similar to how their horn-like receptors curl or move around? Just a little thing I'm curious about lol
corru 1 year ago

i am too stubborn to answer lore questions outright nina, forgive me 🤭 but the portrayal of humans within memories so far may answer this question in an indirect way

ninacti0n 1 year ago

Yeah, I was afraid this would step into lore territory :’/ But I think I already got my answer, now that I think about it-

robophobia 1 year ago

Aye, games with heavy environmental worldbuilding and implied lore that the game encourages you to seek out and form the connections are always very enticing to me. The intriguing unanswered questions of just what was going on from the first moments of the game was the hook that never let go, hah.

ninacti0n 1 year ago

Just felt like fixing a minor thing on the ENTER page's description, and updated the footer. New assets are in the works, and I might update the site later on with them!

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

I'm also hoping to release some songs I've had in the works as well, we'll see how it goes-

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

@robophobia Eee, glad you think so! I still have lots of plans for this webbed place of mine, I hope I can get them all to unfold well ^^

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After so long... I FINALLY UPDATED IT! WOO- It doesn't show, but it was a fix on the media queries for the ENTER page :7 I'm also painting a new asset for the About me page, so stay tuned for it + any other things I feel like implementing, such as a test for the overlay JS system
ninacti0n 1 year ago

I want it to be something simple, like an indicator that you can click on certain images and get extra stuff :V

I can't wait to get back into coding hngh- I wanna get into JS so I can code some interactive stuff, starting off with the tea corner! But before I get into this, I gotta do some other stuff first, such as new assets for the guestbook + minor fixes on things :V Oh, and I'm also studying 3D again!
Heyaa! Cool to see another person who was into Flipnotes! Your page looks very cool :]
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Heyoo guys! I’m not dead, just taking a lil’ break from the coding! I’ll hopefully return with cool things some time in the future :] Btw, there’s a question I wanna ask: in terms of music, how would you describe the genre of my songs? I still get confused as to where they fit lol
robophobia 1 year ago

Thats a good question... I guess some kinda electronica but I have a hard time pinning it down too. I guess I'd describe it as a retro aesthetic? Some of your pieces get close to like a Synthwave style but I don't feel that's the main genre I'd describe most of them as

(replying to your comment on my site!) thank you for stopping by & leaving a lovely drawing! i'm glad to hear you enjoyed it :)
robophobia 1 year ago

That Oekaki was really cool!

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CreatedJun 14, 2022
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art portfolio comic artist worldbuilding