Updates to my photo album and food log for what I've been up to and eating this holiday season, along with doing a quick media roundup for this year's favorites!! (⭒•͈ 𓎺 •͈ )
@tillie it was soooo delicious, I wish I could share!! ; __ ; and sameeee!! The whole store had pink decorations like that, it was super cute!! ;u;
how about the magic girls are small magic animals, size doesn't matter in terms of power.
wahhhhh thank you for the enthusiasm with this idea guys! I'm definitely going to do it as my next big site project and you will all be the first to find out ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ 💛💛💛
Added a new diary entry along with sharing some new photos and a lolita coordinate!! (¯▿¯)
Did a round of updates to my photo album, food log, and media log! Tell me what your favorite Pixar movies are lol (❁´◡`❁)
I know it’s technically Disney/Pixar but I’m a sucker for brave. Love these updates btw, you take such wonderful photos 🥹
@kiley I've actually never seen Brave all the way through... that should change tbh! Merida's design is sooo cute ;w; but thank you so much!! I'm actually really self-conscious about my photo composition so it means a lot to hear this!! d( ᐖ )人( ᐛ )b
Ahhh you're so sweet, thank you!! Next time I update my neighbors page I'll be sure to add your site button too––take care!! 💛💛