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Quick diary entry so I can push my spring layout! I know I say this every time, but this is my favorite yet, haha ;u; let me know if the text is readable too!! (´。• ω •。`)
love the colors and pattern combo! makes me excited for warmer weather c:
@ange thank you Ange, I am too! If we can have warm weather then we'll have to make our own! 😤
mauve really doesnt get enough love :') hope you have a great trip!!
@tillie it doesn't, there are so many shades and it's really versatile too! ;u; and ahhhh thank you, I'll share more details soon!! ♡♡
Aww lovely entry and beautiful layout <33
@swifted thank you so much, that's very sweet!! ♡♡
your blog layouts are as gorgeous as ever sarah! i'm looking forward to hearing about your plans for this season :>
Your diary is very readable! The background is busy, but the text is thick and has great contrast (I used a tool to check the contrast and it looks like it's great even for colourblind folk)
@kiley thank you for your sweet words Kiley, I'm excited to share what's to come! Take care! ♡♡
@robert oh wow, thank you so much for using a contrast tool, that's very kind! To me it seemed to work, but I always appreciate a second opinion. Thanks again!! ♡♡
Ugh lovvve mauve and love the layout. It's so impressive how you come up with sooo many beautiful ones. Glad to hear you're in a fresh, optimistic place! Feels super fitting for springtime.
@chey mauve's versatility and beauty is so unsung!! Thank you so much though, I'm feeling that way and I'm happy it comes through in my layout! It's really fun to experiment with designs, so I'm glad that you like them as well!! ;u;