welcome to hill house!

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started reading left hand of darkness + didn't even realize it was this month's bookbug book! so perhaps i will finally join bookbug this month 👀
mizunotic 1 month ago

I finally read that book just last year and it was such a wonderful, foundations SF text! I really wish I'd read it earlier!

this is so cool!! i was wondering where you got the "last played" widget thingy because i think it would be kinda fun to add it to my website! ^_^
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hillhouse 1 month ago

thank you!! i got it from biancarosa on github — here's a link!

amivicky 1 month ago

Thanks for the source! I'm having trouble getting this to work - I have a widget div and the script in the site but it's just displaying a hourglass. Do you have any advice? Thank you! ^^;

fri11s 1 month ago

@amivicky, you need to change your id from 'song' to 'lastfm-song' 🙂

amivicky 1 month ago

@fri11s thank you! :)

glamourbeast 1 month ago

ooooh I think I am going to add that to my website too!

sclptures 1 month ago

@hillhouse thank youu!!!

question: if you remember, how did you find my site? i see people sometimes follow me who are only following 1 or 2 sites in addition to mine and i get soooo curious how they stumbled across mine lol!!
furbee 1 month ago

I dig through the neocities website search quite often! That's how I found your site (I think!)

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comfort 1 month ago

i found your site through someone's button wall, i believe :]

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silverplatter 1 month ago

i remember finding you on my college's computer while browsing neocities one day and the name just stuck LMAO.. i really enjoy looking around and seeing what your site has to offer! love all the graphics and animated affects too

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capaxinfiniti 1 month ago

i found you through your post on tumblr promoting your haunted house shrine, and just got to exploring the rest of the site after that

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fatgrrlz 1 month ago

I think I found hillhouse off of someone's button wall, can't remember whose.

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nijigyaru 1 month ago

I used to lurk “recent activity” often and fell in love with your website!

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dustbunnybedroom 1 month ago

i love looking through the "activity" section on neocities from time to time and i just happened upon it there!

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digitangel 1 month ago

i was looking through global activity on a whim! all the pink caught my eye :)

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mikaorangeart 1 month ago

I believe it was through the Afternoon Tea clique?

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solflo 1 month ago

i think through someone's link page? i'm fairly sure i saw your spatial horror recs first 🤔

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10kph 1 month ago

i found you through the activity page!! :-)

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Last updated 15 hours ago
CreatedNov 11, 2022
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personal pink halloween ghosts horror