249 updates
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love your website so much
trying to figure out a new structure for this website, but categorising things under names like "projects" and "resources" and stuff sounds so generic and boring, but it's functional and i don't know what sort of metaphor i can use for a more poetic way of looking at the way a website is presented.
haraiva 5 months ago

ive seen several people use the analogy of a house, which i think is very apt, but idk if it fits me. maybe some other kind of building or space. imagine if i went with the anology of an organism. i dunno... either way i wanna push a big update this weekend. hello if ur reading this.

haraiva 5 months ago

i dont relate to houses because ive almost always lived in apartments. now an apartment building as an analogy... hmmmmm much to think about

sweetfish 5 months ago

i've seen sites structured around gardens, desks, houses (castles, manors), harbors, cafes, organism would be very cool and novel

lol sorry for not updating my website after making a button and sharing it, it was the busiest week of the year for me
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gonna make a page about inkrunner i think
hello >:)
haraiva 5 months ago

shoutouts to @sweetfish for the css >:)

it's been a while but i've updated my website! i have a site button now... feel free to link my website on yours! this also means i can properly start joining webrings...
domino club fanpage/fansite is going to be so good lads
haraiva 11 months ago

manifesto is in......................

haraiva 11 months ago

also why did i make the about me section like that... it took me way too long to figure out what it is that im doing with it. ah well it looks cool now

scopefilter 11 months ago

These lines really resonated with me "embarrassment towards earnestness and ironic posturing are byproducts of vanity. and vanity is the enemy of good art. vanity is a fruitless endeavour; give it enough time and capitalism will ruin everything you love."

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedOct 5, 2020
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design videogames writing bitsy art