The Soup Site

88 updates
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your site is so charming!!
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thesoupsite 3 weeks ago

THANKS !! and yours 2!!! awesoem color palette,,,

1 like
so cool... the graphic design on this is awesome.............. ur so good at coding.................... holy fucking shit amazing.......................
webcatz 3 weeks ago

teehe thanks so much!! it slipped my mind to leave a comment but i wanted to say i love the way you layer so much on your end! makes it feel so cozy :3

The Soup Site was updated.
1 month ago
1 like
this site is soooo cute
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thesoupsite 4 months ago

YOUR cute man alright *blush

1 like
BIG UPDATE ! here's the full changelof: --ART PAGE!!! WATCH MY DRAWINGS !! /--new album recc. (starry cat) /--new animation videos recc. /--new thoughts on things i watched /--MIPS 1 and 2, place where i randomly talk about games i played /--new analysis on endwalkers story! im proud of that one /--new scoring system based on hearts (i'll talk about how that works in the future) -//about page updated.....
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thesoupsite 4 months ago

.../-- new blogs things /--new cool links /--merged 'about things' and 'blog' /-- new mystery obama page. WHATS NEXT ?? New writings, new logo, new maple design, obama page will change, and a complete overhaul of the homepage cuz i hate it. okay bye

1 like
your site has such a cool n cute vibe ! i love the style and i'm excited to see what you do w the page :]
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new blog entry ! big update coming maybe late fabruary? i need to finish aaaaall my exams this semster so i cant work on anything. sorry asd :p
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From the main page to all it's smaller branching pages, I love the style you got going! Can't wait for Gallery at some point!
1 like

Website Stats

Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedSep 7, 2023
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personal cute art videogames blog