Reading Project

60,848 updates
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We've hit 150,000 words total across all our reviews!
I've added a button on the bottom of my index page if anyone wants to put a link on their website. Happy to put links on my own page, too, if anyone wants.
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Okay, the review is up. Hope you like it.
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The Phantom Tollbooth finally turned up. Will begin reading it this weekend. Thanks
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Can you add "Phantom Tollbooth"? I really like that book
readingproject 6 years ago

You know, I'd never heard of it. Just looked it up to find its 50 years old! Sounds good. Can I suggest, if you want, that you write a review and I'll post it? Happy to.

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elementz 6 years ago

I will try, idk if i may even get to it though

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readingproject 6 years ago

Ok, I'll try to get a copy of the book this week. Will review it as soon as I can.

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Last updated 19 hours ago
CreatedMar 5, 2017
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books reviews reading fiction literature