Reading Project

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I loved all three Cixin Liu books. I'd find it hard to pick between them. Dark Forest really opened up what it was all about though.
aidam 6 years ago

I just bought Dark Forest at a Book festival. I am really looking forward to it.

1 like
Hi, your website is great. Hope you start posting again
1 like
Thanks for following my website. I'm busy reading tonight - that's what my website is after all - so I'll take a look at yours tomorrow
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ottwiz 6 years ago

Okay, no problem, I have the same, though I read a bit of your site, and it looks great :)

Thanks for adding my button. I figured you wouldn't mind if I used your button, too
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dotcomboom 6 years ago

Go ahead, thanks and you're welcome!

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CreatedMar 5, 2017
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