aw yeah babey

3,123 updates
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thanks for the follow!! also wanted to let you know i scrolled a lil and despite what you might say you're very photogenic!! you also have a really good eye for what makes a compelling photo, a lot of your shots were cool as hell to see :D keep up the good work!
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disillustrated 7 months ago

thankyou sooooo much. that means alot.

1 like
oogh bebosaaa i love u bebosaaa everyone go on my site n go on the pokemon page and go look at bebosa 4 me
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1 like
saw you added my button to your homepage so i did the same! :]
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sunnyshines 8 months ago

hehe yay!!! i love your site by the way its very cute :)

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thebrightesteyes 8 months ago

aahh thank you!!! that means a lot ;;

thebrightesteyes 8 months ago

OH ALSO if you're still struggling with font stuff i could maybe show you what i have set up for my css?

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sunnyshines 8 months ago

PLEASE im so lost on whats happening with my font lol. i made a custom one for my site and just. dont know what to do with it i dont think i have it in my css correctly

thebrightesteyes 8 months ago

ok uhh i can explain it here but i think there might be a character limit so either msg me on discord (thebrightesteyes) or i can like upload it to imgur lol

sick page dude!! :D
1 like
o7 updated again...changelog on homepage has it all but idk i feel the need to say here also. i like webbed site
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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedDec 20, 2020
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