Just Fluffing Around

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Guys, guys, I have a guestbook all set up now!! Please go and sign it! It's linked on my main landing page.
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justfluffingaround 3 years ago

I started working on my link section of my website! Right now, I just have a list of text generators, but I will do html & css next.

//looks at the sites I follow in my Neocities sidebar //notices they all have similar vibes I think I have a type? XD
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koshka 3 years ago

One can never have too many cute/pink websites! โฑญ:

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I have a question to some of y'all who might be able to help, why is it that neocities doesn't display in my profile thumbnail an accurate view of my webpage i.e. like my tabs being at the top even though it isn't like that on the actual webpage.
Your dolphin page absolutely delights me! I keep trying to find dolphins for you to add to your page now XD
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floridachill95 3 years ago

Heh thanks, I kinda just made it as a way to get used to html more but it is nice

Welcome to Neocities! I just joined a little bit ago and started changing up my site myself, nice to see other newbies around~
nyanboo 3 years ago

thank you for being kind :D !! welcome to you too ^_^

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Thank you for the follow, and the very kind Guestbook comment!! I love your website design, especially the marquee on the top! It's refreshing to see one of those on the modern Web.
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justfluffingaround 3 years ago

Of course and thank you! I thought the marquee was a nice way to show things were under construction without disrupting the rest of the flow of the webpage and I totally agree. I've been having a lot of fun breaking "the modern web rules" on my site so far and hope to do a lot more!

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thanks for the message in my guestbook! i love autistic people <3 excited to see how your site comes along :D
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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedApr 5, 2021
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movies tv videogames cute crafts