Round Pomelon

118 updates
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hm, im not sure if i should add a little dairy section, i would write it in spanish and maybe use a translator for it? im thinking about it
Wow! Your site is so pretty! It made me want to keep working on mine <3! I love the starry effects!
After a while I sat back down and set up the eee pc to look at the sites from the 2005s
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y3lizxjwdw5r 4 months ago

Yo im using basically your template lol

1 like
omg! your site looks so pretty! thanks for linking my button (。>\\<)! i love your tamagotchis
lemontchi 4 months ago

oh, thank you!! ^^ and np!!

1 like
Wow! I love this site so much!! Your art is amazing too! I added your button to my site !
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sammylux 4 months ago

Thank you sm!!! :D I'll add yours when I have some time!!

1 like
omg! i logged in after a long while and i love how your site is looking!
biteaqueer 4 months ago

tysm! i hope u continue to like the shit i add

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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedNov 14, 2021
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