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it looks so good omg!!
it looks delicious!!!! banana pudding pie is such a good pie, keep cooking!! Your aesthetic reminds me of pie!
WOAH that pie looks so good :oooo
wow that merengue!! looks amazing and I'm glad it tasted great too!!
@macabre, @jack-dawlia THANK YOU BOTH SO MUCH!! I really appreciate!! ;w; ♡♡
@amy that's the sweetest compliment in the world, thank you!! Something about the look of a pie IS really endearing... but thanks for your kind words again, it's always appreciated and I wish I could share a slice!! ♡♡
@tillie it was my first time using a culinary torch and toasting it was super fun! Thank you so much for commenting, I'd love to share some with you!! Pie party ..... ♡♡
oogh yummy, it looks so good!!
Woah omg delicious.....!
The pie looks beautiful and absolutely delicious, you did an amazing job! I've never used a culinary torch, was it difficult? I find it a bit intimidating ...
Stunning pie!!!!
@beyondthesky, @tehuan it is, I wish you could both try some!! ; __ ;
@divergentrays, @chey thank you!! I'm really pleased with the presentation!! A big part of pies is the way they look, you know??
@marija it wasn't difficult at all! The one I used is quite small which gives better control imo, and less intimidating to use because of that. If you keep distance between the flame and food, then it won't burn. You're always so kind, thank you so much!! Wish you could try some ♡♡