Blue VMU

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saint-images 2 years ago

Depends on the damage I'd say. I have a few cracked cases but that's nothing too bad for me as the cases are still fully functional and recognizable. I'd only consider replacing them with replicas if they'd got really bad or if, say, the cover gets completely burnt out.

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Your site is AWESOME man! I especially love the vintage fashion section, I love how it looks like flicking through an old magazine
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alfstapedeck 2 years ago

thank you :D I hope to add more to that some day when I have the time! love yours too! learnt a lot on your page, I never had dreamcast as a kid either, but it sounds like something I wanna get my hands on!

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saint-images 2 years ago

Glad to see your updates! Best of luck in your school ordeals. Is the VMU the good-hearted lady gave you a blue one? (very important Question)

blue-vmu 2 years ago

Thank you! And no, it was just a standard white one, but I have my heart set on getting a blue one at some point, along with the blue controller. The only thing stopping me is absurd shipping costs

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your guestbook doesn't work for me but I just want to say your Sonic figure collection is really cool!
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agentkaz 2 years ago

thank you! i have some more stuff but i gotta take more pictures. dunno what the guestbook is doing but it's very rude of it to do so

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedSep 22, 2021
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dreamcast 90s videogames sega retrogaming