1,059 updates
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Been considering possibly re-doing or massivly simplifying the site. As much as i wish I had the energy to maintain a full blog and a bunch extra web pages, I simply dont. I dont want to commit to something then have another 6 month abscense again.
fin600 5 months ago

Do what makes you happy. You don't necessarily have to maintain such a simple site, either. Iframe your tumblr to a page so it updates when your tumblr does, and only update the gallery when you want to. Things that need to update frequently like your nav bar can be turned into JS like mine for even less to do. There's no right way to be a web master and theres plenty of tricks to make big sites more manageable.

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yeeps, been way to long since an update. sorry about that, life is very much getting in the way of all my passions. really hoping to get back into the swing of things within the month but can promise anything
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been doing some small updates trying to build towards a bigger one, the reduction in hours has been rougher than I though it would be so still just taking things slow. Things might look a bit janky-er than usual till the update is fully implimented
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Workin towards having blog page setup and running tommorow at some point! Still reworking the style guid a bit but I think Im finally closer to something I like. In the meantime I've made a quick "card" page similar to carrd for the sake of having my other social links out there, and to have a link I can easily hand out to anyone who wants it. Good to be making more progress though!
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arrowgriffon 1 year ago

Also I'm heavily considering condensing a few pages into a single thing, just not certain in what particular combination. Thinking of some combination of the news, projects and bugs page.

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So despite wanting to do an update "soon" life got hecktic despite my lack of hours and I've been unable to publish any updates in the past few weeks. Have been re-working my style guide again, cause im a fickle bastard who enjoys playing with shiny things. Going to try and make the next big update be the creation of a blog or something. Just something to give me more reason to be active and for any visitors

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Last updated 5 months ago
CreatedJun 18, 2023
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