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I suspect that, without ebooks, coming to China would have isolated me a lot more from English-language literature than it has. I'd be restricted to the kinds of books at the foreign language bookstores here, mostly either classics or recent "airplane bookstore" type stuff -- though at the same time I'm not sure if being restricted to the classics would be all that bad...
also I'd probably have more motivation to read Chinese novels. Due to how much effort it takes, I generally only read Chinese stuff that feels "important." Maybe if I were cut off from English language entertainment, I'd read more "low-brow" Chinese literature, which in the long term would probably do a lot for my language skills
A little epilogue to the Amazon problem - a few years ago, I bought a couple of digital albums from a band that I like from Amazon music - one of them was never released on cd at the time it was supposed to have been (there was some wrangling with their record label, among other things, so it was never released, on cd, other than a single and songs put on to a greatest hits compilation.) and the other album I -
couldn't find on cd. I discovered yesterday that Amazon have started inserting ads between the songs when you listen to it on their website. This wouldn't be a problem if 1. I'd not bought the albums, and 2. if you could listen to anything on Amazon music without a subscription, which you can't do.
This doesn't bode well for Audible and there are other issues at stake other than rights of ownership because many people with disabilities and illnesses which mean they can't read books could lose access to books and this is a problem for disabled kindle users too.