NeoCities Neighborhood Directory

3,832 updates
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Hello, I have submitted an app to join the Soho neighborhood a while back but my msg may have gotten lost, I have sent another one and I hope you got it? Ty <3
neo-neighborhoods 1 year ago

We get behind and are sometimes slow to update but we will get to you .

1 like
humanfinny 1 year ago

totally understand, was just hoping to check in! thank you again

neo-neighborhoods 1 year ago

I couldn't find a request from you. How long ago did you send your request? Do you mind resending it?

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arandomsite 1 year ago

I thought I was in times square neighborhood

neo-neighborhoods 1 year ago

I will look into this

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neo-neighborhoods 1 year ago

You are in Times Square indeed under R for Random

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Any chance my website could be moved categories/have the description and button updated? It's been a while and my site doesn't really reflect where I put it originally. thanks!
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neo-neighborhoods 1 year ago

Certainly, use the join form for the page you want to move to be sure to let us know what neighborhood you were originally in and that you want to move the site. Thanks

1 like
neo-neighborhoods 1 year ago

Your site was moved today. thanks!

The Neighborhoods have been updated! Thanks to our new HTML coder, de sinople! Everyone welcome de sinople to the team!
Hey there! Recently I've shut down MAJORHEAD, so can I add my website ( to the SoHo neighborhood? Here's the 88x31 button:
1 like
neo-neighborhoods 1 year ago

Please use the request form in SoHo -- and also let us know which neighborhood your original site was located. thanks

Thanks for the follow..! :)
1 like
Can I get my description on West Hollywood Residential updated? I'm no longer connecting with the word "lesbian" and I've removed the personal mental health stuff. Here's the updated version: "The inner world of a genderless dark and/or neon entity that has been manifested into webpage form. OCs (mostly gay snakes), rants about their special interest areas, and more."
neo-neighborhoods 1 year ago

Please use the join form to resubmit your site. in the description let the coder know that you want to change the description. thanks.

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedJul 19, 2019
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