P7uen | Video Game Retrospectives

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The latest archaeological retrospective, the fabled good edutainment game!
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vgobscura 1 year ago

Droidworks is such a curious game! It is odd, unusual, but undoubtably captivating. I love it and you did a fantastic write up on it!

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radpage 1 year ago

This and Pit Droids have been interesting to me for a while since I love these kinds of "here are the tools available, build a solution" kind of puzzle games. The edutainment angle meant that in the past I've thought "it probably isn't as engaging to an adult" but I often hear otherwise from adults who actually played them, like how Zoombinis still often gets regarded as a solid puzzle game even by adults

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p7uen 1 year ago

I didn't play Pit Droids at the time but it's on the list now, it's definitely in their later period of younger target audience. DroidWorks is great fun for me, I thought it would have aged worse than that, and the ending is hilarious! I think it's just like movies, a good one will be made for kids but still keep the parents entertained.

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Thanks for the follow! Your book section rules, and so does the in-depth games writing! I’m really looking forward to your future updates.
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p7uen 1 year ago

Thank you, I love your site and I wish I could get through my backlog as fast as you!

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Latest retrospective is a super cute, cartoon animal, officially licensed, Formula 1 Mario Kart clone. Phew! FREE GIFS! at the end for anyone who reads the whole thing :)
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Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedJun 16, 2023
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videogames 90s games gaming retro