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today's journal log is about a new CD player i bought (^・ω・^ )
love the the cd player!! early 2000s tech had the coolest designs
@jeith right??? it's sooo charming
Love retro tech! Congrats on such a cool find. Perhaps you can take your boombox to a repair cafe? There are repair cafes all over the world:
@lostletters yess i thought about taking it somewhere but i wasn't sure where or how much that would have been. i'll check that link though, thank you!
omg ur new cd player is SO cute - love that its portable!!! i recently started burning my cd collection to my mp3 player :D your updates are always so inspiring (both for website stuff and for the joy of being alive!!)
@marcika YESSS i wanna get a disk drive for my laptop so i can burn my cds there at some point... but thank u for the msg omg i didnt see it!