bees laugh in atbash

4,279 updates
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bluef00t 5 years ago

Nothing exciting (to anyone but me, that is). Just two new MCm pics and a couple of disputed live show dates.

Thanks so much for keeping this project up! I'm relieved to see the new updates mean we're still truckin' and I wish the project the best.
districts 5 years ago

Thank you! We're trying our best to keep things alive and have big hopes for the future of the site. It's definitely nice to see Districts alive and kicking again.

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Rule 1 of neocities is don't make friends on neocities. Admire from afar. I am admiring you all from afar. Also, rule 2 is update your site with cool Content intermittently.
roachparade 6 years ago

god i wish someone told me to not make friends on here when i joined

bluef00t 6 years ago

@bugland I wish your site was still up! you were easily my favorite, I don't want to remove my link to your page :/ Neocities really shouldn't be a social media platform, just a place to look at other people's Cool Net Collections.

roachparade 6 years ago

i'll revive it at some point! that means a lot to me, i'm glad to see you like it so much T_T yeah absolutely though

bluef00t 6 years ago

trying to implement a better mobile navigation system. be patient, it is not easy

bluef00t 6 years ago

I DID IT and now I'm laughin' because it took a screenshot of my page during a disastrous attempt to rectify the sidebar issue and that's how my site is represented now

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedJul 13, 2018
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