bees laugh in atbash

4,279 updates
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Really like the graphics in the game you developed! :)
bluef00t 6 years ago

Thanks! It's been a while, and from what I recall I dashed them off while trying to get the guts of the game running.... but I think they turned out pretty neat and the polished look was definitely what caught the judges' eyes.

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Is it possible to be in more than one district?
bluef00t 6 years ago

(I say this because my blog was added to Arles, where it probably belongs, but looking at my site I realize I actually have more music-themed content than original content on it so far.)

districts 6 years ago

Sites can be in up to two districts. With so many sites, there's a chance that we miss something, so if you think you should be sorted somewhere else or your bio's not satisfactory, do let us know, everyone!

owlman 6 years ago

Cheers for using some of my old ASCII art! I'm still proud to how it tuned out

arkmsworld 6 years ago

That Xmas scene is awesome.

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedJul 13, 2018
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tmbg music art zines comics