The zoom backgrounds (and Pam's work) really fit my subjective idea of beautiful art… Thanks for the suggestion!
I'm not sure if it was there before or not, but the little red 'new' marker is pretty nifty!
Yes, highlighting the "updates" is very thoughtful of you for the reader base. I've been peeking at the HTML to see how you did it and simply thought: "holy cow!". This is such a clean and very elegant way to do it. I won't ever bother complimenting you on how that HTML page is so clean and tidy behind the scenes... >:-p
thanks so much! I'm doing my best to keep things organized (for my sake as well as everyone else's). and I love that you bothered to peek at the HTML :D it's the skeleton of any webpage; I want the page to be easy-to-read, even without a stylesheet
That's pretty exhaustive! ... and before I forget, I ****ing love the colour scheme of your website! It is easy on the eyes and it suits you well.
ha, yeah. I think I find it calming to keep updating the list, so it continues to grow. and thank you!! love that feedback about the colour.
Thanks, I've been updating them lately. I read some of your entries and now you made me want to start an online reading club with some of my friends!!