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Hiii, thanks so much for recommending #Toksvigs, I had tons of fun reading through the thread. :D I'm also working my way through the interactive fiction you have linked, they're so much fun! You have excellent taste.
thedigitaldiarist 4 years ago

you're so welcome! glad you're enjoying :D

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0x07 4 years ago

I really get a kick out of the curated material at /links/free-resources.html. Really useful! (and bookmarked) :)

thedigitaldiarist 4 years ago

so glad to hear that!

0x07 4 years ago

...also I kinda missed your contagious enthusiasm around here (and the VEDS); had to find a cheesy way to say Hi! "A MARI USQUE AD MARE." ;)

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thedigitaldiarist 4 years ago

aww hi! my creative energy does tend to come in bursts, then I disappear... and lol :D

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thanks for following! ^_^
Hello, if there is anything you need, please ask
you are building an aesthetic here and let me just say I like it :D
facilitycontrol 4 years ago

wow thanks a bunch! i noticed that my site's view count is really high and I just assumed that it was me refreshing the page over and over haha. didn't realizing people were checking it out!

thedigitaldiarist 4 years ago

that's the scary-exciting thing about the activity feed: sometimes people stop by while you're still building stuff :P

everythingandmorethings 4 years ago

Exactly what I think --which is kind of scary if you ask me.

quick update on the home page today! and also I cleaned up the updates page.
letslearntogether 4 years ago

...and thank you for your thoughtful videos! ♥

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0x07 4 years ago

If I had realised that Twine was perfectly fine as an "all purpose" hypertext authoring system, I might have checked it out a lot sooner! Darn... I think I'm getting hooked and sidetracked again! What shall an easily distracted soul do? [[cry a river]] or [[jump in the Twine rabbit hole]]? :) :) :)

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thedigitaldiarist 4 years ago

ahaha I'm always team rabbit hole! since the IFComp games are now available for playing & judging, I am once again overcome with feelings of "ooh I should write a hypertext thing..."

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not to make any promises, but after revisiting the first two issues of {{reverberations}} and still digging the format, I think I'll go back to that project as a weekly or at least semi-regular newsletter now that VEDS is coming to a close.
Hi there. I saw you're in the thick of a Tom Baker/Doctor Who run and thought you might be interested in this, if you hadn't crossed it already: It's an episode of Have I Got News For You with Baker guest hosting. Not always as wholesome as in Doctor Who but he's on cracking form.
thedigitaldiarist 4 years ago

ooh thank you! love a good panel show and tom's a gem.

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