thank you so much! the calculations were fun to figure out. my homepage hasn't changed much visually for a long time, but i've made a lot of subtle changes to the underlying code. thanks for noticing!
i'm so happy to hear that, thank you! i love your nature photography, by the way!
love this!!! i wanna do weird web october too and this is such a lovely first entry <3
thanks! the effect is from a process called dithering, which reduces the number of colors in an image (and the file size). there are a bunch of online dithering tools, but my go-to is
wow that's such a beautiful pipette :o) is it a photo of yours or just the same model?
micropipettes are sooo satisfying. I wish we used it in our lab classes more
Nice micropipette. :) The line about mixing clear liquids reminds me of how I used to call Inorganic Chem the "Let's Watch Clear Stuff Turn Pink" class.
@angelogistics it's a photo of mine! the yellow in the middle is lab tape i wrapped around each of mine so they wouldn't get mixed up with anyone else's. and the sticker on top is from the last time it was calibrated :)
@revanmooo i wish you more micropipetting in the future!
@callmemanatee ooooo what was turning pink? i miss the fun colors of chem lab
oh fuuuck yes. micropipettes took us a while to get used to, but given that we have difficulties with using the regular ones (#autism), they turned out to be a blessing
@ribose I don't even remember what the liquids were. Just that they needed to turn a little pink but not *too* pink.