hello purveyors of heaven

6,322 updates
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Your art is gorgeous! I honestly didn't realize it was yours and assumed you chose from various concepts art books from looking at your website originally. It's also always fun to see other game devs on the web!
mysticscave 11 months ago

Ah thankyou! I really appreciate your comment ^^ And yes, I agree! Good luck with your webring

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I know people are unhappy with the update that gets rid of the follower notification but I find it so peaceful. I hope we get the option to choose what's displayed in our feeds so we can browse a bit more peacefully without getting upset about updates
vegacollective 11 months ago

I was initially annoyed, but I am actually finding it easier to see updates from people without them getting buried beneath follower notifications. I think it would be nice if followers were organised chronologically. That way it's easier to see who is new.

Hi there! Ty for signing my guestbook :) I’ve visited your website (last week I think) but I think I failed to message here *smacks head* lol Your website is awesome!! And great artwork, for sure ;)
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ophanimkei 11 months ago

thank u so much!!! i really appreciate it :''D !

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedJun 19, 2020
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art rpgmaker lolita egl