reon's webpages

607 updates
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my site has become a bit unwieldy to manage and update.. in the next few days/weeks/months i'll be going through and stripping out all the junk in the code while also trying to optimize for accessibility as best as i can. if anyone has links to useful resources regarding optimization for accessibility, please reply here or e-mail me - thanks!
newlambda 5 months ago

i find and useful for this! firefox's web docs ( also contain a lot of guidelines on best practices. this is something im hoping to improve on my site as well so good luck!

1 like
reon 5 months ago

@newlambda mdn web docs my beloved... best of luck to you too!

heart143 5 months ago

ooh reon... I believe in you... *happy yuno gasai gif*

1 like
that yaoi rave post was fucking insane actually i loved it . the kai cenat cameo rlly brought it over the top.
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reon 5 months ago

glad you enjoyed it... it certainly was something haha. still longing for that ps5. also your layout is rad...i love the little decorations

1 like
heart143 6 months ago

hi RAY ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

your art is very beautiful
1 like
iwillneverbehappy 1 year ago

Thank you so much, I love your blog ^_^

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Last updated 5 months ago
CreatedDec 25, 2021
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